Wednesday, September 19, 2012


i've been fielding a lot of inquiries about the black lodge lately. everyone is curious, "what is this project?" "what is the space?" "where is it?" "WHAT is it?" i love that people are intrigued by a new art space opening in lexington and are interested in what's going on, so i'm going to answer a few of those questions here.

****what is the black lodge lexington, ky?****

first the practicalities, the black lodge is quite simply the very front room of my house in lexington, ky. some folks have expressed amazement that i would open my home, and myself, in such a way. well, that is actually part of the reasoning behind it! i am by nature an introvert, i am reclusive at home, keeping to myself in an environment that feels like a secret cave, a clubhouse (no grown ups allowed!), superman's fortress of solitude. it is in this kind of environment i can get the most artwork done and recharge myself. art making is a lot of things to me: spiritual practice, therapy, stress relief, the act of creating something i consider beautiful that i can enjoy. my art is also a way for someone like me, a naturally shy introvert, to safely share myself with the world. but if all that art i make just stays hidden in the hobbit hole, then how does anyone see it? how can i share it?

my home is also an expression of myself, i fill it with things that i love. and since my home is my safe little haven, what a crazy experiment to open it up for complete strangers to enter? i firmly believe that the only way to understand our limits is to push them!

****'s an art gallery? that's cool....****

well, yes. and no! the black lodge is an art space. that means ANYTHING can happen there! a showing of physical, stationary art work? yes! a small play? yes! a fashion show? please! yes! music? dance? performance art? you bet! seance? ritual? movement? truth, love, beauty? now we're talking!

the only requirements are 1) don't destroy the building or i'll have nowhere warm to sleep. and 2) the black lodge houses an environment. the idea is to create something larger than the space that contains it.

this is NOT the white walled gallery you're used to.

the black lodge is a space between. between worlds, between ideas, between people. this is a space where the viewer transitions into the participant. no one watches. everyone enters. connection happens. sharing happens. conversation happens.

****wow! what a trip! tell me more!****

i'm glad you asked!

the black lodge is an experiment. first and foremost it is a platform for the exploration of big magic in small spaces. humans are the only animals that equally enjoy routine and surprise. the black lodge is in my house because a house is something you expect. opening the front door and having your first step in take you into a new dimension instead of a foyer is a surprise!

imagine, for a minute, your commute to work. every day you probably take the same route. you see the same buildings, houses, shops, landmarks, maybe even some of the same people, also traveling in a similar direction in their own daily routine. every once in a while something, usually small, happens to jolt you out of that routine. for no particular reason you look off to the side. there's a perfect spiderweb crystalized with morning dew. or a wild animal glancing back at you in the middle of feeding on the edges of our civilization. a child in the next car over looks back at you and smiles the biggest, most perfect smile you've ever seen. or there's an amazing sunset. or you catch a piece of unexpected, but beautiful, graffiti down an alley.

by the time you get to work or home you've forgotten. but for a moment the world felt fresh, new, exciting. not routine at all. you just experienced small magic.

what is big magic? big magic changes your world. big magic is mostly ideas. images, words, sounds that set off a thrilling chain reaction of new ideas, new synapses in your brain. big magic is the catalyst for you to change your world. the only real change there is.

at the black lodge the environment that is created is so participatory, so fantastic, so big that it envelopes the viewer and changes them into a participant. anyone who sees, enters and becomes a citizen, at least for a minute, of a new world. once you visit a new world you see your own world with new eyes. your mind floods with new ideas, new ways of seeing, thoughts of creating a world of your own within the world you live in. that's magic. big magic. or you know, art.

****that sounds like something i want to get involved in? can i?****


more than anything we want other magical beings to conjure their own spells and build their own environments inside this space! if you have an idea, for anything, just send us a note. any and all ideas will be considered and we will find any way possible to help you create a new world inside our magical vortex!

****so...what's next?****

our first alternate dimension is WIZARD SEEKS WITCH a show of works by jack x taylor. this work is based on the idea that, as brenda hillman said, "art comes from loneliness." WIZARD SEEKS WITCH is a fall-down, drag-out, hell-bent brawl between whimsey and melancholy. it is a magical conversion of time into magical substance. it is a personal ad written as a summoning spell. the show also explores ideas of magical space. included in the show is an installation of an actual witch's house! this space is an envelope for viewer/participants to enter and exist within, to experience vibrations of the artist's intention or to practice their own quiet rituals of meditation and reception. WIZARD SEEKS WITCH opens november 16th at 5pm, come hither!

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